Thursday, December 2, 2010

One person can make a difference, but many people can make lots of differences!...or something like that

Brazil, February 2008
I have just submitted my entry to the Blog Your Way Around the World contest.  Lots of people have entered, and it's impossible to have any expectation of winning such a seemingly out-of-this-world (well, more like out-of-this-country...8 times!) grand prize.  I have 29 days to amass the votes, and I think that's a reachable goal. I can't vote for myself 2,000 times, though (I refuse to create 2,000 unique email addresses), so now it's time to see how far the power of online networking actually goes.

Will it be a Happy Hanukkah and a Happy New Year?  You tell me.  Better yet, *show* me!
Tanzania, August 2010
Peru, August 2009

{In my most teachery voice, "I know you can do a GREAT job of showing me you know how to vote.  Can you show me?"}