Sunday, April 18, 2010

I guess it's "la vista, baby" because I'm back

I wasn't expecting to take a two-month hiatus from blogging. In fact, if you were to see the Post-Its on my wall, you would see that I haven't, in fact, taken any break whatsoever from brainstorming. But, when I blog, if I don't have time to do justice to my post, I'd rather not post at all. Then, the post-its stay on the wall until their time comes around. Now that I have finished the capstone project for my two-year Master's program, I am slowly getting back into the groove of taking care of all the things that have fallen to the backburner. But, hey, now as you read the posts, you should consider them with even higher esteem than before.  Why, you ask? Well, because their author is a master.

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